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Blues director of rugby Mike Rayer told the club website: "Laurence's signing significantly adds further quality and depth to the squad."Laurence has come to us with a glowing reference from Nick Walshe and Chris Goodman who both enjoyed playing with him when they were at Bath," added Rayer."We tried to sign Laurence last year on Nick's recommendation before he moved to Newcastle so I am delighted that he has chosen to join us this season."After five years at Bath, Ovens moved to Newcastle at the beginning of last season, making 15 appearances and scoring two tries.He, and the club's other new signings, will get their first run out of the pre season in a home friendly against Northampton Saints on Friday, 13 August. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Read more.This page is best viewed in an up to date web browser with style sheets (CSS) enabled. cheap nfl jerseys The Steelers rank 19th in the NFL in yards per carry. Wash...